Forum #5
Communication for Climate Activists
A screening of 'Petani Bukan Pemalas', a short documentary on small scale farmers and food security in Malaysia, followed by a discussion session with the panelists
Nurfitri Amir
NurFitri Amir is the Coordinator of the Malaysian Food Sovereignty Forum and Research Consultant with the Third World Network. His areas of expertise include advocacy, public mobilization and community development. Currently, his main focus is food security and food sovereignty. He is also a documentary filmmaker.
Brenda Danker
Brenda Danker is co-founder of the Freedom Film Network, a community of social filmmakers that use films and documentaries as advocacy tools in building a fairer society. Brenda has experience within the field of activism and communication, and is also a film director.
Workshop #5
Communication for Climate Activists
A screening of 'Petani Bukan Pemalas', a short documentary on small scale farmers and food security in Malaysia, followed by a discussion session with the panelists
Luqman Long
Luqman Long is a political communications expert and previously worked as the press secretary for the Minister of Youth and Sports. Environmental issues and climate change are one of his areas of advocacy and he is a member of Parti MUDA. Luqman was involved with Parti MUDA and their efforts in issuing the Emergency Flood and Climate Crisis Memorandum during the flood disaster at the end of 2021